Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 7
The benefit of EPALE for guidance practitioners
EPALE, the electronic platform for Adult Learning in Europe, was officially launched in April 2015. This
is the first electronic adult education platform with a pan-European focus and has already positioned
itself as the first stop for content in the adult education themes and an area of discussion and ex-
change for the community.
Are you a guidance professional • You can use the blog to discuss • get involved in, whether that’s
looking for relevant information and with other guidance profession- by theme, language or cost of
resources to support your day to als any topics of interest. attending.
day and strategic work? If so, you
could register on EPALE and have EPALE – The Adult Education • Network with your peers:
access to e.g.: community in Europe Stay up to date with the adult
learning community on Twitter,
• The partner search tool which EPALE is a European project Facebook and LinkedIn and
will give you access to organi- funded under the Erasmus + pro- share our latest online con-
sations working in the guidance gramme. Its purpose is to reach tent via social media, whether
throughout Europe. At the end the adult education community in that’s an article or an upcoming
of March there were around 50 Europe and engage it in the devel- event.
active partner searches in the opment of the sector. The platform
guidance area. offers different features for commu- • Up-to-date information: the
nication, such as a resource area, newsroom will give you the
• The EPALE’s calendar allows blogs, an events calendar, a news- latest information on policy
you to search for events in your room and a partner search tool. developments, funding, new
field. Recent events available The site is organised around five initiatives and all topics around
at the EPALE website include: themes: learner support, learning adult education.
environments, life skills, policy and
• Adult Guidance Conference – quality. • Blog: Postings on important
Ireland trends in the adult education
Reasons to join EPALE sector.
• International UIL workshop:
How Libraries support National • Events calendar: gives access • Content: some of the most
Literacy Efforts – Germany to training courses, webinars, popular content posted in the
seminars and other opportuni- EPALE site during 2015 includ-
• Mental Health Awareness for ties available across Europe. ed “Migrants and refugees”,
the Employability and Skills “Active aging”, “Digital Learn-
Sector - UK • Search for courses you want to ing” and “Digital”.