Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 6

the International Survey on Ca-      timescales’ or ‘I can act effectively   Stefan Grajcar
        reer Management Skills. In some      as a part of society as a whole´     Euroguidance Centre Slovakia
        countries the development of CMS     (social awareness). From these
        is included in school curricula, in   kind of learning outcomes it is pos-
        others it is still a challenge.      sible for educators to come up with  The interview was conducted by
        Could you tell us something about    activities that can develop people’s  Stefan Grajcar/Euroguidance Cen-
        your expectations here?              capabilities.                        tre Slovakia and was published in
                                                                                  December 2015 for the e-journal
        I think that the purpose of career   A CMS framework is a practical       Career Guidance in Theory and
        education and guidance is to help    tool that we can use to translate    Practice (in Slovak)
        individuals learn about themselves,  abstract ideas about career into
        their careers and the world around   actual educational interventions.
        them. What career management         Such interventions can be organ-
        skills frameworks do is to detail    ised as a programme in their own
        out what this actually means in      right or linked to existing curricu-
        practice. So the CMS framework       lum areas.
        that we’ve been working on in the
        LEADER project breaks this down
        into five areas that could form the
        basis of a career education cur-
        riculum in a school or university.
        We divide CMS up into personal
        effectiveness, managing relation-
        ships, finding work and accessing
        learning, managing life and career
        and understanding the world. This
        breaks down a big and abstract
        idea like ‘career management’
        into usable learning outcomes like
        ‘I can decide on and set my life/
        career goals within appropriate

        Professor Tristram Hooley is the Head of the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of
        Derby. He has been involved in research, teaching and education in and around higher education for most of
        his career and has particular interests in careers, doctoral education, social capital and the role of technology
        in research, teaching and guidance.
        Professor Hooley is a member of the UK Careers Sector Strategic Forum and serves on the editorial board
        of the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Recent publication have focused on the subjects of social
        media, narrative in careers work, entrepreneurship and the role of the market in careers work. He also writes
        the Adventures in Career Development blog various aspects of careers work, research and technology can be
        found. Tristram and a list of his publications can be found here. He is on Twitter under the name of @pigironjoe
        as well as scattered across various other social media sites. A complete bibliography of everything that he had
        read or planned to read over the can be found here. He also answers emails at [email protected].

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