Page 11 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 11

parents and other professionals.     Agency of Lifelong Guidance: “It is
                                             a pleasure to summarize that the
        Better guidance services for         newly established youth guidance
        adults                               centres provide essential support
                                             to specialists in educational in-
        The new strategy secures career      stitutions, parents, teachers and
        information and counselling for all   other professionals. During the first
        adults. So far, the services have    year of existence, the differentiat-
        been provided only to the unem-      ed approach to lifelong guidance
        ployed. However, since 2015, the     in education is accessible across
        Estonian Unemployment Insurance  Estonia, professional development
        Fund (Estonian public employment     of our practitioners is supported,
        service) has expanded its career     development of guidance tools ini-
        counselling services to all people   tiated and close networking culture
        of working or retirement age.        among practitioners is a reality. We
        The Fund introduced a new service  have certainly learned a lot from
        called My First Job. It is designed   our partners from other countries
        for young people without profes-     and we are very thankful for the
        sional education or work experi-     systematic mutual exchange.”
        ence. The measure aims to de-
        crease youth unemployment due to  SEE MORE:
        little or no work experience, and to   Guidance professionals and         Margit Rammo
        help young people without special-   experts from other countries are     Foundation Innove
        ised education to find a job. Wage   welcome to get an overview on        Agency for lifelong guidance
        subsidies combined with training     strategies in education and labour   International Relations Manager
        compensation can be granted to       sector, reorganisation of services   [email protected]
        employers who hire these young       provision in Estonia during 2014
        people.                              – 2015 and current structures,
                                             institutions, legal framework and
        The first results after the imple-   qualifications of guidance profes-
        mentation of changes                 sionals in Estonia.

        Margus Tõnissaar, the Head of the

        Libraries as entrepreneurs for adult learning and inclusion

        Bergen Public Library organises a language café for refugees and laptop computer classes for old age
        pensioners. Last autumn a number of library staff travelled abroad to learn more about inclusion and
        informal learning in libraries, with support from the Erasmus+ programme.

        “We knew that the Dutch are          Library as a Special Projects        Volunteers to the rescue
        pioneers when it comes to using      Librarian and heads the Erasmus+
        libraries as an arena for integra-   mobility project. Last autumn four   “The current refugee situation con-
        tion. And everybody knows that       library staff travelled to the Nether-  cerns us all”, says Anne. “Library
        Malmö is a city with great expertise  lands to take part in an EPALE “job  staff has not got the capacity to
        on adult education generally, and    shadowing” programme at a num-       provide the level of follow-up they
        on social inclusion specifically. We   ber of libraries. Later on, other four  would have liked to give them.
        wanted to go abroad to learn from    staff members travelled to Malmö     But there are other solutions. – In
        the best” says Anne Berit Helland.   in Sweden to take part in a similar   Norway we have no tradition of
                                             programme.                           volunteering in libraries. In the
        Anne works for Bergen Public

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