Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
P. 2
ically or internationally. A few services and Mika Launikari on
centres give out awards for good international mobility cross border • “Paths to Professionalising
projects in guidance and others cooperation. Career Guidance”: A Czech
hosted big national or international conference in May – Call for
conferences or fairs. Mika Launikari (Finland) and Dóra participants
For come centres, the training of Stefánsdóttir (Iceland) edited the
guidance professionals was the texts, Mick Carey (UK) read the • REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA:
highlight of the year. proofs and Monika Rajeckaitė Presenting the Euroguidance
Three centres gave specific atten- (Lithuania) was in charge of the Centre to the wider public
tion to services for young people layout.
who contemplate a stay abroad • Slovene community in Italy on
and other three focused on inno- The publication can be found here the way to establishing a
vation of some sort. guidance window
Ana Carla Pereira, Head of Unit
for “Skills and qualifications Dóra Stefánsdóttir, Euroguidance • Group Interview and Guidebook
strategies; multilingualism policy” Iceland for Counsellors
in Directorate General Education
and Culture of the European Com- • Professionalization of guidance
mission has written the forward and counselling in Romania
on the importance of guidance
Shaping a future for newly arrived migrants
Upper secondary school students are in the majority among newly arrived children and young people
to Sweden. Making informed choices about the future is much more difficult and more complex for
those who lack a Swedish educational background. Åsa Sundelin writes in her PhD thesis, Shaping a
future - An analysis of the interaction in career counselling conversations with young migrants, that
career guidance is central to the success of the newly arrived, from education to working life.
According to Åsa Sundelin, this In this respect, the study highlights
doesn´t necessarily mean that the the important educational function
career guidance work with young of the conversations;
people who have migrated should “For the guidance profession, I
be handled in a different way than think the study shows how import-
with other young people. ant it is that career counsellors
“It depends on what the guidance are given and take the opportu-
work looks like in general, and nity to both reflect and critically
to what extent it supports young assess themselves in their work,”
people in their career learning says Åsa Sundelin. “The line
and career reflective projects. The between taking a gatekeeping or
“Guidance conversations are career counsellors in the study are a gate-managing function in the
the students’ primary meaningful good at supporting the pupils’ ca- meeting with guidance seekers
resource for planning a future in a reer reflective project, but it seems may be thin.”
new context,” says Åsa Sundelin, that counsellors in general need to
“but the conversations are not develop their frame of references The study also suggests that
enough; these students also need and methods on how the conver- career counsellors need to gain an
organised career-oriented educa- sations can support pupils’ career understanding of the conditions of
tion.” learning,” says Åsa Sundelin. migration. There is an optional