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Section 3: EU Policy Developments

            learning and training contexts, at all levels, in all dis-  3.2.2  Involvement of ELGPN
            ciplines, and covers formal, informal and non-formal
            learning.                                        Early school-leaving
              The  main  recommendations  to  the  member-
            states  are  focused  on  information  and  guidance   ELGPN was alerted to the draft Recommendation on
            about  opportunities  for  learning  mobility,  motiva-  reducing early school-leaving. In the adopted Recom-
            tion,  preparation  with  regard  to  foreign-language   mendation, the role of guidance is underlined as a
            and  intercultural  skills,  and  administrative  issues.   key element of comprehensive strategies comprising
            Member-states  are  also  asked  to  ensure  the  qual-  a  mix  of  policies,  covering  social  policy  and  sup-
            ity  of  learning  mobility,  including  the  provision   port  services,  employment,  youth  and  integration
            of  guidance  to  mobile  learners,  as  well  as  recogni-  policies. The three pillars of the framework (preven-
            tion  between  member-states  of  learning  outcomes   tion, intervention, compensation) include provision
            acquired  through  mobility  experiences.  Particular   for  guidance  and  counselling  ‘to  support  students’
            attention should be paid to disadvantaged learners,   career choices, transitions within education or from
            by providing targeted information and support tai-  education to employment. It reduces poor decision-
            lored to their specific needs.                   making  based  on  false  expectations  or  insufficient
                                                             information. It helps young people to make choices
            Early childhood education                        which meet their ambitions, personal interests and
                                                             talents’  (intervention).  ELGPN  suggested  that  the
            The  Council  conclusions  on  Early  Childhood  Educa-  third pillar, compensation, might include ‘transition
            tion  and  Care:  Providing  All  Our  Children  with  the   classes with a strong emphasis on guidance’.
            Best Start for the World of Tomorrow (2011/C 175/03)
            invites member-states to enhance the quality of early   Learning mobility
            childhood  education  and  care,  which  is  essential
            for language acquisition, successful further lifelong   Although ELGPN has not been directly involved, the
            learning,  social  integration,  personal  development   Council  Recommendation  on  learning  mobility  of   Policy
            and  employability.  It  provides  an  opportunity  for   young people highlights guidance as the cornerstone
            the early detection of learning difficulties and early   to the success of learning mobility.
            intervention,  and  can  help  to  identify  young  chil-
            dren with special educational needs and, wherever   3.2.3  Next steps
            possible, facilitate their integration into mainstream
            schools.                                         Early school-leaving
              The thematic study on Teaching Reading in Europe:
            Contexts, Policies and Practices produced by the Edu-  Given its consequences in terms of youth unemploy-
            cation,  Audiovisual  and  Culture  Executive  Agency   ment, the issue of early school-leaving (ESL) is a par-
            (EACEA)  in  July  2011  offers  a  comprehensive  pic-  ticularly strong focus at European level. Accordingly,
            ture of reading literacy and identifies the key factors   the future work of ELGPN should include:
            impacting  on  the  acquisition  of  reading  skills  for
            3–15-year-olds. It shows that although in 2009 one   •  The role of career management skills (CMS) in
            out of five 15-year-olds in EU had reading difficulties,   preventing  ESL:  the  identification  of  areas  in
            there was often a lack of focus on the groups most at   CMS  programmes  that  are  more  appropriate
            risk of such difficulties.                            for students who are considered to be ‘at risk’

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