Page 93 - guidance-supporting-europe-s-aspiring-entrepreneurs-policy-and-practice-to-harness-future-potential
P. 93

Guidance supporting Europe’s aspiring entrepreneurs
                                                                Policy and practice to harness future potential

                     with the company itself and the wider industry. However, these types of activity
                     tend to be relatively small in number and locally-focused; they are not part of a
                     national level programme.

                     3.5.4.   Resource materials
                     Tailored  resource  materials are a key support tool for teachers. There are a
                     range of resources which have been developed across Member States to support
                     entrepreneurship  teaching.  These resources include online tools, printed
                     materials and interactive materials: they can be found in  Denmark,  Iceland,
                     Malta,  Norway,  Romania,  Slovakia,  Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK
                     (Wales). The use of resources is effective as they can reach many people, it is
                     less time consuming and less costs are associated than with training, i.e. no time
                     off is required for teachers. However, this form of support is less personal and
                     less interactive.
                         The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL) has
                     developed an entrepreneurship portal for the education sector and this specifically
                     focuses on VET. The portal contains examples of educational tools, guidance on
                     forming  partnerships and working effectively with enterprises. Information on
                     establishing  businesses  is also available. From Andalucía, Spain, there is an
                     example of a regional project that resulted in development of a teaching guide on
                     entrepreneurship for teachers and guidance counsellors (see Example 14).

                     Example 14. Entrepreneurship teaching materials in Andalucía, Spain
                        The Andalucian Association of Social Economy Education Centres (ACES) developed a project that
                        was  financed  by  Cepes Andalucía and the Andalucian Government. The project developed and
                        introduced teaching materials designed for teachers  and vocational counsellors operating at all
                        levels of education, including VET.
                            The teaching material consists of two main tools:
                        •  a teaching guide for teachers and vocational counsellors, available in English and with further
                           information on a CD ROM (comprising a collection of legislative and bibliographical references,
                           a schematic presentation of each unit, case studies and tests). The teaching guide is structured
                           in six teaching units: a) values in the social economy: the cooperative experience; b) collective
                           self-employment: the range of models; c) the democratic organisation of social  economy
                           structures: social functioning; d) the importance  of people in the social economy; e) the
                           economical and financial management of social economy enterprises; and f) the social economy
                           in Andalusia: history and socio-economic relevance;
                        •  student material, including theoretical knowledge for each teaching unit, a bibliography, and
                           assessment questionnaires.
                            The teaching material aims to raise student awareness of self-employment as a career option
                        and to encourage entrepreneurial culture more generally. Around 5 000 copies of the teaching
                        material were distributed free of charge.

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