Page 91 - increasing-the-value-of-age-guidance-in-employers-age-management-strategies
P. 91
Increasing the value of age: guidance in employers’ age management strategies
Table 8. Presence of external actors in the case studies
Governance Resource partners
Name organisation (Co)Financing At start-up involved Structurally involved
involved in the
development the development as guidance provider as guidance provider
Enemærke og
Petersen X X
Eesti Energia
Frosta Sparbank
Kiruna X X X
Kronoberg County X X X X
Schumann X X X
Wicke X X X
Czech Society for X X X
Quality (CSQ)
Vysočina X X X
Zemat X
Crédit Industriel et
Commercial (CIC)
Rossimoda X X X
Firefighting Service
of Zaragoza
Total 8 7 7 4
Source: Authors, based on Cedefop (2015).
This is the case at the Firefighting Service of Zaragoza (Spain). Guidance
activities consist of interviews and discussions to assess older workers’ skills and
interests and inform them about the redeployment process and occupational
options in the auxiliary services unit. Once an insight into the workers’
competences and needs is gained they can be matched with vacancies the older
worker’s professional career continued.
Human resources professionals are other internal actors involved, though
not all organisations have a human resources department. It is a privilege of
larger organisations such as the Crédit Industriel et Commercial (France) where,
each year, the department informs employees older than 45 about the possibility
to meet with a human resources manager. Employees can either choose to ask
directly for an interview, to delay the interview, or not to contact the department.