Page 15 - Euroguidance-Insight-Magazine-2023
P. 15


          What should I become?
          What will I be when I grow up?

          This good practice that was presented at the International Euroguidance conference on 30  November
          2022 won the first prize at the Euroguidance National tender in Hungary.

          The program entitled ’What should I become? What  For 11- graders the focus is on career knowledge. Be-
          will I be when I grow up?’ aims at implementing an  sides taking part in workshops and lectures, students
          innovative and complex career guidance activity at  visit the Education Career Fair as well. In addition, we
          József Bajza High School in Hungary, which can help  start a Job Shadow program throughout which they can
          students plan and develop their careers via acquiring  follow a professional of their choice for a day.
          skills and competences that can result in a balanced
          person- career-environment context.                 For 12- graders we launch the Student Shadow pro-
                                                              gramme, which similarly to the Job Shadow, helps stu-
          Focused on Career Choice                            dents have a look at the life of a university student. We
          The programme started three years ago with a six- also organise a Career Orientation Day for the whole
          month preparation to get to know the latest profes- school.
          sional points of view, look for surveys, attend courses
          and search for contributors to help the entire process. A programme with great success
          The programme lasts for four years and helps students   We believe that revealing opportunities to our stu-
          with their career choice. It also helps them develop a   dents can support them to make a suitable career
          healthy and conscious self image and self knowledge   choice, whether they choose to go to university or
          to choose the proper next steps in their school career.  seek to find their goals in life on a professional level.
                                                              So far, we have only experienced positive effects of the
          It is crucial to emphasise that there is a difference  process as 96 percent of our students continue their
          between career orientation and career choice. The  studies within the tertiary system.  We are open to
          former means the ability to gather personal compe- help any secondary school to begin a project like ours.
          tencies and skills that make students able to balance
          between the person- profession- surroundings trian-
          gle. Whilst the latter is the result of the whole career                                 Andrea Deák
          orientation process when students reach the point of                    principal of József Bajza High School,
          choosing their occupations that harmonise with their                                          Hungary
          personalities and goals.

          The primary goals are:
              develop a system lasting for four years
              disseminate the knowledge within the institution,
              the town and the region

          What do we do?
          For 9- graders the process starts with workshops on self-
          improvement and study methods. we would like them
          to pull up a realistic self image and identify their fields of
          interest. We also organise a Self knowledge day.

          For 10-graders it is about their attitude concerning stud-
          ying, motivation and career orientation. With the help of
          outside professionals they do online and onsite one-on-
          one tests and workshops in small groups of 15. We also
          organise a Motivation Day.                                                                © Andrea Deák

                                                                       Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 1/2023
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