People on the move migration and mobility in the European Union 2018

People on the move: migration and mobility in the European Union (2018)

The book offers numerous insights into migration and mobility in the European Union. This volume shows the relatively high support…

Euroguidance Insight Newsletter May 2018

Euroguidance Insight Newsletter (May 2018)

The Euroguidance Network has just released the spring issue of its Insight Newsletter (May 2018). There are many interesting news…

Key competences for lifelong learning

Key competences for lifelong learning

The European Council & the Council of the European Union have adopted a revised recommendation on key competences for lifelong…

The European Union  -What it is and what it does

The European Union - What it is and what it does

The European Union - What it is and what it does (2018) is a guide to the European Union (EU)…

Summer School on ICT in guidance and counselling

Summer School on ICT in guidance and counselling

The 3rd Summer School on ICT in guidance and counselling will take place in Jyväskylä, Finland on 13-17 August 2018.…

Euroguidance Estonia hosts interns from Germany

Euroguidance Estonia hosts interns from Germany

For the third time, Euroguidance Estonia hosts interns from Germany. Altogether six bachelor students from the University of Applied Labour…

Eurodesk Survey 2017 report about mobility and role of youth information

Eurodesk Survey 2017 report about mobility and role of youth information

Eurodesk’s first European-wide research report has been released. The report focuses on the level of access to youth information about…

Assessing global competence

Assessing global competence

Mr Andreas Scheicher from the OECD has written an article about global competence and how it can be further developed…

Cedefop Online Survey on the future of Vocational Education and Training VET

Cedefop Online Survey on the future of Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) is currently working on a project on "Changing Nature and Role…

With the changing weather spring has also opened the season for Academia mobility ambassadors

With the changing weather, spring has also opened the season for Academia mobility ambassadors!

The best spokesman for learning mobility is a practitioner with personal experience - as participants of learning mobilities, they experience…

Cedefop Briefing note  -Reaching out to invisible young people and adults

Cedefop Briefing note - Reaching out to ‘invisible’ young people and adults

Low qualifications, disengagement from education and training, and long-term unemployment are interconnected phenomena and tend to cumulate throughout a person’s…

Practitioner039s toolkit for PES  -Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning

Practitioner's toolkit for PES - Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning

The Practitioner's toolkit for PES - Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning presents concepts and tools for public employment services…

The Euroguidance Highlights 2017 publication is now out

The Euroguidance Highlights 2017 publication is now out!

The Highlights 2017 publication about the activities and achievements of the Euroguidance network is now out! It illustrates the successful…

Learning mobility statistics

Learning mobility statistics

Eurostat presents statistics on the mobility of tertiary education students in the European Union (EU) and forms part of an…

Evaluation of the Europass resources and tools  -Respond by 27 April 2018

Evaluation of the Europass resources and tools - Respond by 27 April 2018

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has commissioned an independent ex-post evaluation of the Europass resources…

European Education Area  -Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture

European Education Area - Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture

The aim of the European Education Area 2025 is to work towards an innovative, inclusive and values-based education. Thereby all…

European network of Public Employment Services

European network of Public Employment Services

The European network of Public Employment Services was established following a Decision by the Council and the European Parliament to…

Guidance and Digital Transformation  -international conference Paris on 8 June 2018

Guidance and Digital Transformation - international conference (Paris on 8 June 2018)

Onisep and Euroguidance Education France will organize an international conference on Guidance and Digital Transformation in Paris on 8 June…

ISEW Club for Career Services 2018 Helsinki 13-15 June 2018

ISEW Club for Career Services 2018 (Helsinki, 13-15 June 2018)

The next International Staff Exchange Week ISEW Club focuses on Career Services, especially Career Education and Career Monitoring. It will…

ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling Athens Greece on 11-15 June 2018

ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling (Athens, Greece on 11-15 June 2018)

The fifth ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling will be organized in Athens, Greece on 11-15 June 2018.…