European network of Public Employment Services

European network of Public Employment Services

The European network of Public Employment Services was established following a Decision by the Council and the European Parliament to…

Guidance and Digital Transformation  -international conference Paris on 8 June 2018

Guidance and Digital Transformation - international conference (Paris on 8 June 2018)

Onisep and Euroguidance Education France will organize an international conference on Guidance and Digital Transformation in Paris on 8 June…

ISEW Club for Career Services 2018 Helsinki 13-15 June 2018

ISEW Club for Career Services 2018 (Helsinki, 13-15 June 2018)

The next International Staff Exchange Week ISEW Club focuses on Career Services, especially Career Education and Career Monitoring. It will…

ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling Athens Greece on 11-15 June 2018

ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling (Athens, Greece on 11-15 June 2018)

The fifth ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling will be organized in Athens, Greece on 11-15 June 2018.…

New Publication  The National Career Guidance Awards 2017

New Publication : The National Career Guidance Awards 2017

In 2017 the Euroguidance centers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Serbia held the National Career Guidance Awards and now…

The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background  -Factors that Shape Well-being

The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background - Factors that Shape Well-being

Migration flows are profoundly changing the composition of classrooms. Results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) reveal…

Labour market information and guidance

Labour market information and guidance

This Cedefop study analyses the role of labour market information (LMI) in career guidance and career education, including the main…

European Labour Authority  European Commission press release 13 March 2018

European Labour Authority – European Commission press release (13 March 2018)

The European Commission presents its proposal for a European Labour Authority, as announced by President Juncker in his 2017 State…

Euroguidance Network Position Paper on EU funds in the areas of values and mobility

Euroguidance Network Position Paper on EU funds in the areas of values and mobility

This position paper highlights the key points raised by the Euroguidance Network in relation to the public consultation on EU…

Germany ranked as most attractive study destination in Europe

Germany ranked as most attractive study destination in Europe

An annual analysis ranks Germany as the best choice for international students within a table of 30 European study destinations.…

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education  201718

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2017/18

This EURYDICE report aims to provide both an overview of the main features of national fee and support systems and…

NEW PUBLICATIONS Guidance 40 Innovative Practices for New Skills

NEW PUBLICATIONS: Guidance 4.0: Innovative Practices for New Skills

The Serbian Euroguidance Centre in close collaboration with several other national Euroguidance Centres organized a Cross-Border Seminar (CBS) in Belgrade…

Sweden develops new internationalisation strategy for higher education

Sweden develops new internationalisation strategy for higher education

“Sweden must improve its capacity to receive foreign expertise”. That is the finding of a government inquiry tasked to develop…

UNESCO report on Digital skills for life and work

UNESCO report on Digital skills for life and work

The term ‘digital skills’ refers to a range of different abilities, many of which are not only ‘skills’ per se,…

EU Commission public consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad open until 19 February 2018

EU Commission public consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad (open until 19 February 2018)

In its Communication on Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture, the European Commission proposes the creation of a European…

CALL FOR PAPERS The good interculturalist Conference in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: The ‘good’ interculturalist (Conference in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018)

This conference on "The 'good' interculturalist" to be held in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018 will serve as a platform…

Global mobility of employees GLOMO

Global mobility of employees (GLOMO)

Global mobility of employees (GLOMO) is an international research project (Horizon 2020). It will see eight partners from across Europe…

European Commission press release on key competences digital skills and the European dimension of education 17 January 2018

European Commission press release on key competences, digital skills and the European dimension of education (17 January 2018)

To follow up on the Gothenburg Summit, the European Commission has adopted new initiatives to improve key competences and digital…

European Commission public consultations to prepare the next Multiannual Financial Framework

European Commission public consultations to prepare the next Multiannual Financial Framework

The European Commission has launched a series of public consultations on 10 January 2018 to prepare the next Multiannual Financial…

World Development Report 2018 LEARNING to Realize Educations Promise

World Development Report 2018: LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise

The World Development Report 2018 – LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise – is the first ever devoted entirely to education.…