NEW PUBLICATIONS Guidance 40 Innovative Practices for New Skills

NEW PUBLICATIONS: Guidance 4.0: Innovative Practices for New Skills

The Serbian Euroguidance Centre in close collaboration with several other national Euroguidance Centres organized a Cross-Border Seminar (CBS) in Belgrade…

Sweden develops new internationalisation strategy for higher education

Sweden develops new internationalisation strategy for higher education

“Sweden must improve its capacity to receive foreign expertise”. That is the finding of a government inquiry tasked to develop…

UNESCO report on Digital skills for life and work

UNESCO report on Digital skills for life and work

The term ‘digital skills’ refers to a range of different abilities, many of which are not only ‘skills’ per se,…

EU Commission public consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad open until 19 February 2018

EU Commission public consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad (open until 19 February 2018)

In its Communication on Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture, the European Commission proposes the creation of a European…

CALL FOR PAPERS The good interculturalist Conference in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: The ‘good’ interculturalist (Conference in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018)

This conference on "The 'good' interculturalist" to be held in Helsinki on 29-31 August 2018 will serve as a platform…

Global mobility of employees GLOMO

Global mobility of employees (GLOMO)

Global mobility of employees (GLOMO) is an international research project (Horizon 2020). It will see eight partners from across Europe…

European Commission press release on key competences digital skills and the European dimension of education 17 January 2018

European Commission press release on key competences, digital skills and the European dimension of education (17 January 2018)

To follow up on the Gothenburg Summit, the European Commission has adopted new initiatives to improve key competences and digital…

European Commission public consultations to prepare the next Multiannual Financial Framework

European Commission public consultations to prepare the next Multiannual Financial Framework

The European Commission has launched a series of public consultations on 10 January 2018 to prepare the next Multiannual Financial…

World Development Report 2018 LEARNING to Realize Educations Promise

World Development Report 2018: LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise

The World Development Report 2018 – LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise – is the first ever devoted entirely to education.…

Euroguidance Austria Conference Review Guidance 40  New tools and skills in education and careers guidance

Euroguidance Austria Conference Review: Guidance 4.0 – New tools and skills in education and careers guidance

“With the annual Euroguidance Conference, we have made an essential contribution towards bringing the European dimension into the landscape of…

Recognition in Germany

Recognition in Germany

The "Recognition in Germany" portal provides information on how foreign professional and vocational qualifications can be recognised in Germany. Those…

The OECD PISA Global Competence Framework  Preparing our youth for an inclusive and sustainable world

The OECD PISA Global Competence Framework – Preparing our youth for an inclusive and sustainable world

Global competence is a multidimensional capacity. Globally competent individuals can examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different…

NEW BOOK Career Guidance for Social Justice  Contesting Neoliberalism

NEW BOOK: Career Guidance for Social Justice – Contesting Neoliberalism

This collection examines the intersections between career guidance, social justice and neoliberalism. Contributors offer an original and global discussion of…

Lifelong Guidance Practices in France

Lifelong Guidance Practices in France

A brochure to illustrate lifelong guidance practices in France through testimonials from professionals. Fully in line with the Europe 2020…

Careers strategy making the most of everyones skills and talents the UK

Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents (the UK)

The recently launched Careers Strategy in the UK is available to download from the Department for Education website: Careers strategy:…

Free Ebook The Better Campus  -How to improve your university experience

Free Ebook: The Better Campus - How to improve your university experience

The secret of becoming a top rated and highly regarded university? Strengthen your reputation by improving the university experience. This…

TODAY Online Career Fair powered by the European Union institutions 28 Nov 2017 at 4-8 pm

TODAY: Online Career Fair powered by the European Union institutions [28 Nov 2017 at 4-8 pm]

During this event “Calling you for tomorrow’s Europe - Online Career Fair powered by the European Union (EU) institutions” on…

Show your own gold  -Visualize and digitalize your biography

Show your own gold - Visualize and digitalize your biography

"Show your own gold – a European Concept to Visualize and Reflect One’s Vocational Biography Using Digital Media” This EU-funded…

Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2017

Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2017

This publication gives an update on the national qualification frameworks around the world. It provides information on national and regional…

Digital youth work  a Finnish perspective

Digital youth work – a Finnish perspective

“Digital youth work – a Finnish perspective” is a collection of articles from 32 contributors from the vanguard of digital…