Page 131 - Socially-responsible-restructuring-Effective-strategies-for-supporting-redundant-workers
P. 131

Socially responsible restructuring
                                                          Effective strategies for supporting redundant workers

                     personnel  adjustments.  Siemens  was  one of the first industrial companies to
                     establish an internal transfer company.
                        Siemens beE started with a small core team in 2002; since then,  the
                     department has been growing constantly. Today it has 90 employees and further
                     external job consultants. The beE staff consists of HR specialists, psychologists,
                     pedagogues and lawyers. It is located in 17 German cities with its headquarters
                     in Munich. Today, Siemens beE is part  of the department Placement services,
                     making it the only human resource department, located at Siemens Global
                     Shared  Services.  Siemens  beE can be seen as an internal business partner
                     providing its services to different Siemens branches if requested.
                        Different forms of personnel adjustments exist at Siemens. One lay-off option
                     is  a cancellation agreement with a redundancy payment for the employee.
                     Another option is a cancellation agreement and the subsequent entrance into a
                     transfer company; in this the redundancy payment is given to the employee after
                     he or she leaves the transfer  company.  Restructuring  processes  provided  via
                     transfer companies are only one part of the human resource strategy of Siemens;
                     others include engagement in initial vocational training and continuous training.
                     Recruiting plays a major role. When the case study was carried out, Siemens had
                     approximately 1 500 vacancies to fill. These different parts of the HR strategy,
                     restructuring  on  one  hand  and  recruiting on the other, are important to stay

                     6.8.2.   Restructuring and job losses
                     Since 2002, Siemens beE has taken charge of 6  500  former  Siemens
                     employees. The majority of job cuts took place in the telecommunication branch
                     where transfer companies were set up for ICN networks, COM Information and
                     Communication  networks,  COM carrier and enterprises, as well as Nokia
                     Siemens  networks (NSN), with around 500-700 employees each. As a
                     consequence  of  the new business structure of Siemens, the transfer company
                     Sales general & administration was started. The merger of several departments
                     led to redundancies of employees who were then supported by Siemens beE.
                        All kinds of employees, regardless of occupation and educational background,
                     are affected by lay-offs; most beE candidates have a higher education. In most
                     cases, participation in the beE is voluntary. Siemens beE provides counselling for
                     executive managers on how to inform their employees about the redundancies
                     and the option of the transfer company. When an employee is asked to enter a
                     transfer company but does not want to, he/she can change place in the beE with
                     another  employee  who  was  not laid off and who possesses comparable skills.

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