Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2016-autumn
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• New Publication: Euroguidance
New publication: Euroguidance Network‘s Network’s Highlights of the year
Highlights of the year 2015 2015
• Shaping a future for newly
arrived migrants
• Can career guidance actually do
something other than just help
people to cope with an unfair
world? - Interview with Prof.
Tristram Hooley, International
Centre for Guidance Studies
(iCeGS), University of Derby, UK
• The benefit of EPALE for
guidance practitioners
• Lifelong guidance in France:
Career transition counselling -
the cornerstone of provisions in
creating career paths
• New digital tool helps Danish
youngsters choose an education
• Initiatives to Improve the Access
and Quality of Lifelong Guidance
in Estonia
The Euroguidance network has Many centres focused on some
published a booklet dealing with sort of online service such as • Libraries as entrepreneurs for
adult learning and inclusion
the highlights of each Centre’s downloadable brochures, interac-
work in 2015. This purpose of this tive games or toolkits, new web- • Towards constructivism: the path
highlights booklet is to increase sites or other online services.
the visibility of the work done by For other centres, the most im- of SocioDynamic Counselling
the national Euroguidance Cen- portant thing in 2015 was network- in Poland - Interview with Anna
Górka, a Polish expert of
tres and the Euroguidance net- ing with other organisations to SocioDynamic Counselling
work as a whole. promote mobility, whether domest-
Continues on the next page...