Page 75 - Socially-responsible-restructuring-Effective-strategies-for-supporting-redundant-workers
P. 75

Socially responsible restructuring
                                                          Effective strategies for supporting redundant workers

                     restructuring is that the cooperation needs to be adaptable and customised to
                     specific needs and circumstances.

                     4.3.    Cooperation with PES

                     The European Commission’s report (Sultana and Watts, 2005) Career Guidance
                     in Europe’s Public Employment Services (PES) indicated that most have not yet
                     developed a specific provision for the employed, or for employees who are soon
                     to be laid off.
                        Experience with PES seems to vary within the case studies covered by the
                     present review. Overall, interviewees during the case study research  stressed
                     that both the cooperation and the quality of PES services themselves had
                     improved over the last  decade,  especially in work with companies that are
                     restructuring. However, this experience is not universal. For  example,  the
                     effectiveness  and  competence  of  PES advisers was questioned by some,
                     including the concern that counselling is  often  too  superficial  and  reflects
                     advisers’ lack of familiarity with specific sectors. Concern was also raised about
                     contradictory advice, when PES advisers pointed clients in a completely different
                     direction  to  that given in internal guidance activities. The slow reaction of
                     employment agencies to changes in labour market demand, in terms of adjusting
                     their planned qualification programmes, was also pointed out.
                        Cooperation between companies and public employment services are a way
                     forward in terms of building better understanding of companies, sector demands
                     and labour market changes, as in the exchange programme that Siemens BeE
                     have established, where employees from the Labour Agency work there for six
                     months to get to know the work of the transfer company (Case study 8).
                        Less feedback was received from other case studies regarding work with their
                     respective PES. In one instance in  Slovakia,  the  restructuring  of  EnergoMont
                     (EM), all activities of the outplacement programme (excluding consultations with
                     the company lawyer) were provided by specialists of the local labour office  in
                     Trnava; no other sub-contractors were involved  in  outplacement  programmes
                     (Case study 3).

                     4.4.    National and European capacity development

                     The use of national or localised development funding  from  European  funds
                     cannot be isolated. A common feature of regional support is the harnessing of

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