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Euroguidance Insight

                                                                                                   December 2016

       Theme Edition: Guidance for                                      In this issue:

       people from different cultural

       backgrounds                                                   •  Integration  of  Refugees and  New-

                                                                         comers through  Employment and
                                                                         Job Coaching

                                                                     •  Recognition of refugees’ qualifica-

                                                                     •  From international and multicultur-
                                                                         al towards diversity – A new per-
                                                                         spective for guidance

                                                                     •  Good practices on the integration
                                                                         of migrants

                                                                     •  Cross Border Seminar 2016: Cross
       Guidance       practitioners to support those new-                Cultural Guidance and Internation-
       play a very important role  comers who  might  not
       when it comes to the inte- be familiar with  the host             al Careers – Integrating Migrants
       gration of newcomers into  country – for example its              and Minorities
       their  societies.  For  some  language(s), culture, edu-
       people moving to another  cation system and labour            •  Over time you realise that it isn’t
       country is an exciting chal- market. They help  them              good  or bad,  only  different! Inter-
       lenge, as demonstrated  to adapt as best they can,                view with Marit Grønskei
       in the interview with Marit  with all the help they can
       Grønskei, however others  find.
       find it much harder to deal                                   •  Mobility  Becomes a  Reality in
       with  the new situations  In this issue of Insight                French Schools
       they encounter.  Guidance  you will be introduced to
       practitioners use a vari- some proven best prac-
       ety of  tools  and  methods  tices from across Europe.
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