Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2019-spring
P. 7
Erasmus+ supports guidance projects
Erasmus+ enables people of all ages to take part in stimulating learning experiences, and
supports the development of the education and training sector across Europe.
Here, we present two Erasmus+ projects with a Belgian (Flanders) coordinator.
Coaching children for a future full of inequality in adult education and improving
opportunity (KA1) information and guidance services through
developing the skills of counsellors and educational
Primary school GO! Hendrik Conscience in professionals. A strategic partnership between
Schaarbeek (Brussels), Belgium, aims to provide Belgium, Lithuania, Finland, UK, Slovenia and
quality education tailored to all students, regardless Austria was established to promote innovation,
of their background. The school has identified a exchange of practices and know-how. 72
need for expertise and specific skills amongst the professionals were involved in transnational
school team. The Dutch partner organization cooperation activities, study visits and continuous
Centrum Tea Adema offers Child coach basic professional development. The project was
training, related follow-up and advanced coordinated by Leerwinkel West, an adult guidance
programmes. This provides answers to the school’s centre based in Flanders (Belgium).
needs. During a series of training events, care
coordinators and teachers will acquire the An example of a KA3
necessary theoretical knowledge and develop project coordinated by
competences to guide pupils (in cooperation with the Flemish Department
the parents) in a child-centered, broad and yet for Education and
tailored way. This will increase their well-being and Training) can be found in
academic performance and empower the children ‘Recent Developments
with tools to become critical, happy active citizens. in Guidance - Belgium’,
The school will optimize its care policy and the which is presented
school team will be supported to improve its elsewhere in this Insight
practice. The training abroad will offer participants edition.
the opportunity to exchange experiences with their
Dutch colleagues and to establish contacts for
future cooperation.
Adult Educational Information and Joke Verlinden,
Euroguidance Flanders (Belgium)
Guidance Service (KA2)
Adult education in Europe varies from country to
Further information:
country and adults participate in lifelong learning
each for different reasons. Irrespective of age, origin, ∠
social or economic background, adult education ∠
must be accessible, transparent and inclusive. Some ∠
adults struggle to find their way through the adult
education path, whilst guidance professionals should
gain broader knowledge. Frameworks and practices
in adult educational guidance and information
services should be optimized. The ADEIGUS project
aimed at increasing adult participation, decreasing